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April 16, 2007

Use Windows CE devices with Linux (Kubuntu)

There's a good example at:

The above is for setting up a syncing relationship.  I'm just going to set it up to browse the file system.

  1. Install these packages:
    1. synce-kde
    2. synce-multisync-plugin
    3. synce-dccm
    4. synce-serial
  2. Setup synce
    1. Connect the Pocket PC via USB
    2. run: 'dmesg'
    3. Look for a line like 'usb 4-2: PocketPC PDA converter now attached to ttyUSB0' and remember the ttyUSB0 part.  That's the device file for the PocketPC.
    4. Run: 'sudo synce-serial-config ttyUSB0', replacing ttyUSB0 with the appropriate device, if necessary.
    5. Run:'dccm' to start the daemon that will keep the connection alive.
    6. Run:'sudo synce-serial-start' to start the connection
    7. The above mentioned tutorial suggests running 'synce-pstatus' to get info on the device
    8. In konquerer, go to the address 'rapip:/'
    9. You're looking, hopefully, at your device's filesystem!

I haven't set up a partnership yet.  That's next.

April 11, 2007

Using RSYNC (or any other system command) from RUBY

I found a blog entry concerning using rsync from ruby for doing backup. To use RSYNC from within Ruby, do something like this

> system "rsync -<option(s)> <from> <to>"

You can invoke any system command in this way.

April 05, 2007

Followup: Linux CVS clients

Last month I moaned about how disappointed I am that there is no cvs client for linux that makes me as happy as TortoiseCVS for windows. Well, I like lincvs enough to say that it's pretty good. It shows me what files have been altered at a glance. It allows templates and caching for commit messages.

April 02, 2007

CVS: find different or unmanaged files

Suppose you want to find the files in a local directory that are not under CVS version control.
  1. cd into the directory
  2. run "cvs diff -l --brief"
You will see a list of differences. Files not under version control will be shown with a '?'