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October 14, 2008

Identifying the source of a java Class

My coworker, Mike, shared this with me. You can find out what jar a class is loaded from.

October 13, 2008

Setting up Websphere for a remote debugger

Here are a couple of references for configuring Websphere for use with a remote debugger:

Jacoozi: Remote Debugging with Eclipse
IBM Documentation -- another method, i have not tried.


In the websphere administration console, go to a server's configuration and set it up.

October 07, 2008

Getting DB2 Error Code information

There is a way to get DB2 error information if you have DB2 installed.

Start the DB2 Command Line Processor (CLP).

For SQLCODE -551 you type: "? sql551"

For SQLSTATE 56098: "? 56098"