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April 06, 2010

Ubuntu 9.04 PDF Printer (You have to create the PDF directory)

I've been using Ubuntu 9.04 for 9 months. I installed the Virtual PDF printer months ago. Apparently this morning I just used it for the first time. It failed to print.

I looked in the ubuntu documentation. I'll quote the part of the article that referenced the problem.
however, on the 9.04 machine I had to create the /home/your_user_name/PDF folder manually for each user on that machine to allow the PDF "printer" to work. Before I did so, when opening the "Printer Properties" window for the PDF "printer" I saw the following:

Printer State: Idle - /usr/libs/cups/backend/cups-pdf failed

So if you can't find your output and see the above status, make sure that the PDF folder exists in the home directory of the current user.
After executing
mkdir PDF
from my home directory, printing started to succeed. PDF documents began to appear in my new PDF directory.