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March 19, 2008

ILog JRules BOM Update is trying to remove classes that I need!

Periodically, I need to update the JRules Execution Object Model and then update entries in the Business Object Model, accordingly.

Yesterday, when I did my normal procedure for this, the Update BOM option on a BOM Entry tried to remove a bunch of classes that I needed in the BOM.

I didn't know why.  So I experimented.  I created a brand new BOM Entry and tried to add the classes that JRules wanted to remove from the real BOM Entry.  It threw an error.  I tried to add some classes that were direct dependencies of the first, and they had the same problem.

I tried to think what had changed that these classes suddenly couldn't be in the BOM.  Then I remembered that we had recently changed the base class to use Log4J.  Log4J isn't part of the XOM.  So maybe the BOM can't use a class if it doesn't have a access to to the classes dependencies.  So, I tried adding a Log4J jar to the XOM project.  After doing that, the classes from the XOM that had become dependent upon Log4J stayed in the BOM.  The next time I tried to update the BOM, those classes remained in the BOM.

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