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February 26, 2009

Could not install cygwin on MS Windows Vista 32-bit

I just did a fresh install of windows on a fairly new laptop. The factory install was corrupt in some way. Windows explorer would crash all the time. It was annoying. So I wiped the harddrive and restored with Toshiba's handy-dandy windows-recovery-and-bloatware-restoration cd.

Any windows machine I use regularly has cygwin installed. I need my linux/unux-like tools. Cause I'd loose my geek card if I didn't unzip files using command line tools.

Something happened during the installation. It froze and never progressed. I've installed cygwin a bunch of times, so I'm confident this was not a case of impatience. I killed the install. Later I started another install. This would fail with a message to the effect that cygwin install failed to start because cygintl-3.dll couldn't be found. This caused bash.exe to hang. Tried a couple more times. Same result.

I decided that there might be something wrong in the cygwin-packages directory. When you run the installer it asks for a package dir and an install dir. So, I deleted the package dir.

The next run of the installer was completely successful.

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